Concerts of the Philarmonic Groups

Concerts of the Philarmonic Groups

Beginn: 26/07/2023 @ 21 :00 Ende: 27/07/2023 @ 23:30 Gravedona ed Uniti
Concerts of the Philarmonic Groups

On Wednesday, 26th and Thursday, 27th July at 9pm the concerts of Philarmonic groups will be held in Gravedona ed Uniti. The Brass Band Olgiate and the Philarmonic Group of Gravedona will perform at night. 


  • Wednesday, 26th July, at 9pm: Concert of the Brass Band of Olgiate at Garibaldi Square (in case of bad weather the event will take place at the Centro polifunzionale);
  • Thursday, 27th July, at 9pm: Concert of the Philarmonic Group of Gravedona at the parvis of the Church of St. Maria del Tiglio (in case of bad weather the event will take place at the Parish Church of St. Vincenzo).

The event is organized by Corpo musicale olgiatese and Corpo filarmonico gravedonese.