Burger night

Burger night

Children’s activity | Food & Wine | Feast & celebration | Sport
Start Time: 30/07/2022 @ 19 :30 End Time: 15/07/2022 @ 23:59 Gravedona ed Uniti
Burger night

On Saturday 30th July, at the Lake Como Adventure Park in Sant'Anna of Germasino (Gravedona ed Uniti) there will be the Burger Night: hamburgers and adventure night with DJ Set. 

From 7.30pm hamburgers and french fries at the kiosk. From 9pm to 12am adventure night.
During the event there will be a DJ Set by Giorgio Petruzzellis. 

Reservation recommended for the dinner within 27th July. Please call +39 389 5527781

Lake Como Adventure Park: www.lakecomoadventurepark.com

Organized by Lake Como Adventure Park with Pro Loco Germasino