Fabrizio De André's songs

Fabrizio De André's songs

Culture | Music
Start Time: 12/08/2022 @ 21 :00 End Time: 12/08/2022 @ 23:00 Gravedona ed Uniti
Fabrizio De André's songs

On Friday 12th August at 9.15pm the beautiful setting of Prà Castello in Gravedona ed Uniti will host the event dedicated to Fabrizio De André and his songs

Voice and guitar by Marco Belcastro.

€ 5.00

In case of bad weather the event will be moved to the Polifunzionale (multi-purpose centre) in Viale Scuri in Gravedona ed Uniti.

Organized by Pro Loco Gravedona and Municipality of Gravedona ed Uniti.