On Saturday, 3rd December from 2pm to 4.30pm. the event "Experience Christmas in the centre" will take place in Colico: games for children, delicacies and music.
- Roma Square: games for children
- Small Square in Via Nazionale: "Indovina quanti..." (Guess how many...)
- S. Giorgio Square: Snacks, mulled wine and...
The party will be accompanied by the marching band of Villatico.
In case of bad weather, the event will be held on Saturday, 10th December.
Infopoint Colico: +39 0341 930930 - info@visitcolico.it
Organized by the Municipality of Colico with Pro Loco Colico, Viva Colico, Gruppo Alpini di Colico, Volley Colico and Corpo Musicale di Villatico