2 concerts of 'Tre Pievi' brass band

2 concerts of 'Tre Pievi' brass band

Start Time: 02/06/2023 @ 21 :00 End Time: 09/06/2023 @ 23:00 Gera Lario | Sorico
2 concerts of 'Tre Pievi' brass band

The 'Tre Pievi' Brass Band of Sorico will perform in 2 concerts: on Friday, 2nd June at 9pm in the Piazzetta della musica in Sorico (beside the gym); on Friday, 9th June at 9pm in the Marina Square in Gera Lario (in case of bad weather: indoor tennis court). 

Director: Maestro Gianpaolo Paino. 
Free admission. 

Organized by Corpo Musicale "Tre Pievi" di Sorico with the Municipalities of Sorico and Gera Lario. 

