

Food & Wine | Feast & celebration
Start Time: 02/09/2023 @ 18 :00 End Time: 02/09/2023 @ 23:59 Vercana

On Saturday, 2nd September from 6 p.m. there will be VercanItaly, a suggestive food and wine tour in the district of Vico (Vercana). During the event you will listen to the music of the "Fisarmonica delle Alpi" band and you'll find lots of delicious specialties to taste.

Tasting Pass: € 20.00 each person - Child/Companion Pass (no wine tasting): € 10.00 each person.

Foodtruck menu:
- PATATRUCK on the Road: different filled potatoes (bacon, carbonara, sausages, greek);
- COOK WHEELS: Menu n. 1: rice with perch fillets, small "Lagheè" cheesecake, water and coffee - Menu n. 2: gnocchi della Valchiavenna, taroz with homemade salami, small "Lagheè" cheesecake, water and coffee.

Info and registrations (within Monday, 28th August):
+ 39 366 1717 149

The event is organized by Pro Loco Vercana with the Municipality of Vercana.