Montecchi Tour - 15th edition

Montecchi Tour - 15th edition

Start Time: 24/09/2023 @ 08 :15 End Time: 24/09/2023 @ 16:00 Colico
Montecchi Tour - 15th edition

On Sunday, 24th September the 15th edition of the Montecchi Tour takes place in Colico: it's a 8 km non-competitive walk along a historic natural trail. In the meanwhile, the Memorial Adriano Tosarini will be held: a 2 km non-competitive walk dedicated to young people until 13 years old (born in 2010 included).

All the participants will receive a race pack with a T-shirt and more. At the end, winners will be given rich prizes.

- at 8.15am: meeting point at Palalegnone;
- at 9.30am: start of the Memorial Adriano Tosarini;
- at 10am: start of the Montecchi Tour (max walking time: 2 hours);
- at 12am: lunch at Palalegnone with pasta with tomato sauce or arrabbiata, sausages and fries, cake. A portion of pasta with tomato sauce will be offered to every athlet until 12 years old.

Fee and registration:
Registration fee: € 10 Montecchi Tour - € 5 Memorial Tosarini.
Registrations at the Palalegnone in Colico on Saturday, 23rd September from 3pm to 6pm or on Sunday, 24th September from 8.15am to 9.30am.

The proceeds will be given to charity to the Tinnamoreraidime Association. It's also possible to send a free donation to the Association through wire transfer (here the necessary information):
Holder: Tinnamoreraidime APS
IBAN: IT97L0832951610000000271655
Reason: Giro dei Montecchi Colico

Infopoint Colico: +39 0341 930930 -

The event is organized by ASD Runners Colico with Pro Loco Colico, CAI Colico, AIDO, VisitColico and Municipality of Colico.


Viale Padania - COLICO
