In bocca al lupppolo - Beer festival in Colico

In bocca al lupppolo - Beer festival in Colico

Food & Wine | Feast & celebration
Start Time: 23/08/2024 @ 18 :00 End Time: 24/08/2024 @ 23:30 Colico
In bocca al lupppolo - Beer festival in Colico

On Friday, 23rd and Saturday, 24th August, from 6 p.m. at the Palalegnone in Colico the 6th edition of 'In bocca al luppolo', will be held, 2 nights where you can taste craft and non-craft beers, you can have dinner and enjoy live music. 

Dinner menu: chicken, shank and sausages

Live music programme
- Friday, 23rd August: Malfasia cover band;
- Saturday, 24th August: Pezzaband ( tribute to 883).

Craft-Beer stands:
"Al frate birraiolo" - "Revertis" - "Menaresta" - " Legnone" - "Birra Eretica"


Infopoint Colico: +39 0341 930930 - 

Organized by Pro Loco Colico

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Viale Padania - COLICO

