Museo della cultura contadina of Colico

Museo della cultura contadina of Colico

Museums Colico

The Museo della Cultura Contadina (Museum of Farming Culture) is located in Villatico, a hamlet of Colico. It was founded in 2007 on the initiative of the Centro Italiano Femminile (Italian Women’s Centre) Association of Colico to introduce younger generations to farming life in the Como area between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century.
The purpose of the museum is to recount the history of the ancient rural life and the founding values of the farming civilisation through objects and artefacts donated by the inhabitants of Colico and through the testimonies collected.
The museum is spread across two floors: the first floor consists of a domestic environment, and the basement contains the objects that testify to the different activities of the territory: agricultural, farming and woodland activities (dairy processing, haymaking, breeding, winemaking, cereal growing), crafts (processing of leather, iron and wool), women’s activities (spinning and sewing), commercial and public service activities (school, office, workshop).
The museum also carries out research activities, paying particular attention to the ethnography and intangible heritage (dialect, sayings, proverbs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, prayers).
The museum is currently managed by the Cultural Association “Amici del Museo Contadino Colico” (Friends of the Colico Farming Museum) and has been part of the Provincial Museum system (Province of Lecco) since  2010.

Opening hours
Sundays: 2.30pm-6pm 

Free admission.

Museo della cultura contadina of Colico

Via Campione, 31 - COLICO
+39 333 4355121
