Church of San Pietro in Costa

Church of San Pietro in Costa

Churches Dosso del Liro

The Church of San Pietro in Costa stands on a hill surrounded by chestnut trees in the Liro Valley, and can only be reached via a path through the woods.
Probably of Romanesque origin, it may have been rebuilt in the second half of the fifteenth century and preserves a valuable cycle of 16th century frescoes. In the arch of the apse is represented “God the Father and the Annunciation”, in the semi-circular part “The Twelve Apostles”, in the upper band five medallions with St Vincent and the “Doctors of the Church” and in the conch, “Christ in Glory among the Evangelists” with their attributes. The wall of the nave features other 16th century frescoes, such as the “Madonna and Child between Saints Rocco and Sebastian”, commissioned by the emigrants to Palermo as gratitude for having survived the plague, “St Rocco”, “St Chiara, St John the Baptist, St Michael the Archangel and St Bernard”, all attributable to the painter Dosso Liro, whose works are also found in other Churches in the Alto Lario area.
Given the distance from the village of Dosso del Liro, the church was abandoned in favour of the new parish church of St Annunziata. 

Sunday, 30th June - Sunday, 28th July - Sunday, 25th August - Sunday, 29th September: 3 p.m.-5.30 p.m. 

Church of San Pietro in Costa
