Monti di Vercana

Monti di Vercana

Domaso | Gera Lario | Trezzone | Vercana MTB Cross Country 500-1000 m over 20 Km

A nice route that runs above the village of Domaso. It starts with a hard climb on a tarmac road to the mountains of Vercana, then continue on an unpaved road and finally back down directly on an ancient cobbled track through Trezzone to Gera Lario by the main street.


Starting point Gera Lario
Minimum altitude 210 m
Maximum altitude 1050 m
Height difference 840 m
Length 23 Km
Duration 3h
Difficulty Difficult
Uphill terrain 100% asphalted road
Downhill terrain 20% trail - 80% asphalted road

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