Monte Sasso Canale

Monte Sasso Canale

Gera Lario | Sorico over 1000 m over 10 Km 2-4 hours

How to get there
To reach San Bartolomeo by car: take the SS340 Regina state road until you reach Gera Lario. Turn right before the first bridge over the San Vincenzo stream (for those coming from Domaso, turn left after the bridge) following the signs for Bugiallo. After about 3 km uphill, turn right at the crossroads and continue along the narrow but paved road to San Bartolomeo (12 km from Gera Lario), where the church of the same name is found, and where you can park your car.

The Sasso Canale, with its altitude of 2,411 metres, rises in a dominant position overlooking Lake Como, Valchiavenna and Valtellina. An extraordinary panoramic point, its wild and solitary environment makes it a truly unique place.

Like the ascent to Monte Berlinghera, take the path behind the Church of San Bartolomeo following the sign for the Sasso Canale and the "Alta Via Lariana" path. Go through the wood of firs, beech trees and oaks until you come to a dirt road. Follow this road until you arrive at a crossroads, where you leave the road and continue on the left following the signs. Once out of the wood, you will find the dirt road again that will lead you near the Alpe Pescedo (1560 m) on the right, but turn left towards Alpe di Mezzo (1540 m). Continue along a steep path behind the huts. Continue along the ridge, staying on the left side (south) until you arrive at the landmark at the top of “Terminone.” This very long wall once separated the private pastures of the Alpe di Mezzo from those of the municipalities of Montemezzo. Continue down an easy rocky stretch until the path rises diagonally to the right up a gravely slope and then a steep channel, just a few steps from the foresummit Sasso Bianco (2396 m). Continue to the left of the foresummit, along the fairly exposed ridgeline until you reach the top of the Sasso Canale, which has a beautiful view of Lake Como, Valchiavenna, Bassa Valtellina and the Mesolcina mountain chain.
Go back via the same uphill path or, after reaching the Terminone landmark, walk down through the pastures to the rise and then follow the small path on the steep ridge to Bocchetta di Chiaro (1669 m). From here, you can go down to Pescedo and take the same path you came up on. This route is more difficult than the uphill route.

Rest stops
There are no refreshment points or refuges on the path leading to the summit. Although, there are a couple of restaurants and accommodation facilities before San Bartolomeo:
- Agriturismo Giacomino – Via Fordeccia 42, Sorico - +39 0344 84710/+39 333 1313313 - - Open from March to November
- Baita dal Vikingo – Via Fordeccia 30, Sorico - +39 0344 536048 – +39 331 5603746 (Marco) - - Open all year round

Check the weather forecast before starting your hike


Starting point Loc. San Bartolomeo - SORICO
Arrival point Monte Sasso Canale
Maximum altitude 2411 m
Height difference 1210 m
Length 12,5 Km
Duration 3h30 for the ascent, 2h30 for the descent
Difficulty Difficult
Type of terrain Trail and marked path
Recommended period June - October

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