Monte Bregagno from Monti di Breglia

Monte Bregagno from Monti di Breglia

Cremia | Musso | Pianello del Lario | San Siro | Menaggio | Plesio 500-1000 m over 10 Km 2-4 hours

How to get there
To reach Monti di Breglia by car starting from the Alto Lario: take the SS340 Regina State Road to Menaggio following the signs for Porlezza and Lugano. At the exit of the tunnel, take the turn-off on the right in the direction of Porlezza and take the second exit at the roundabout in the direction of the centre of Menaggio. Continue for about 100 m, then take the SP7 Provincial Road on the left in the direction of Plesio. Continue for about another 7 km until you reach the centre of Breglia. Turn left at the cemetery and continue towards the town of Monti di Breglia (1080 m), where there is a large parking lot. Please note: to get to Monti di Breglia by car you will need a daily access ticket (€ 3.00), which can be purchased at the automatic ticket machine found at the entrance of the road. Make sure to clearly display the ticket on the dashboard of your car. The road alternates between asphalted stretches and dirt roads.
You can also reach Breglia by bus, with the C13 Menaggio-Plesio Line operated by the ASF Autolinee Bus Service. Then continue on foot to Monti di Breglia following the signs for the Rifugio Menaggio (about 1 hour).

The climb to Monte Bregagno (2107 m a.s.l.) is a particularly rewarding and unique experience. The enchanting view of most of the Alps and the lakes of Como and Lugano will make you forget the length of the hike.

From the parking area, take a path on the left and continue until you come to an intersection. Take the road on the right towards the Rifugio Menaggio and the “Sentiero Panoramico” (Panoramic Path). The path climbs gently up and divides and comes back together again several times to get around the birch trees. At a fork in the road, turn right and follow the signs for Sant’Amate and Monte Bregagno. The path becomes steeper, reaching an altitude of 1643 m before descending down to the Sella di Sant’Amate (1623 m), where the church of the same name is located (about 1 ½ hours from the start).
Continue north along the grassy ridge of Bregagno, which alternates between flat stretches and steeper but shorter stretches, until arriving at Bregagnino (1905 m). Go down again for a few dozen metres and then climb back up to the top of Monte Bregagno, where there is a cross. From here, you can admire the vast panorama towards Val Chiavenna to the north, the Mesolcina chain, Val Cavargna and Lake Lugano to the west and Lake Como to the east.
Go back via the same uphill path or alternatively, once in Sant’Amate, you can follow the signs for Monte Grona and continue along a short stretch of grassy ridge until you arrive at a crossroads. Take the path that goes down on the left. Continue until you reach the Rifugio Menaggio (1383 m), and then take the road that leads to Monti di Breglia and the car park.

Rest stops
- Rifugio Menaggio (1383 m) – Loc. Mason del Fedel, Municipality of Plesio - +39 0344 37282/+39 327 8855090 - – Open every day from the end of May to the end of September, from October to May open every weekend and public holiday, on request

The hike to Monte Bregagno can also be done in winter with skis and snowshoes, but only in case of steady snow.
Crampons are recommended in case of ice in the final part of the ascent.

Check the weather forecast before starting your hike


Starting point Monti di Breglia - PLESIO
Arrival point Monte Bregagno
Maximum altitude 2107 m
Height difference 1000 m
Length 10,5 km
Duration 3h20 for the ascent
Difficulty Medium difficulty
Type of terrain Trail
Recommended period April - November