Church of Saint Miro

Church of Saint Miro

Churches Sorico

St. Miro was born in Canzo in 1345. The saint, having donated all his possessions to the poor, led a solitary life, first in his home town, then in the hills of Rome where he arrived after a long pilgrimage and finally in Sorico where he died in 1381.
The church of St. Miro is of Roman origin dating back presumably to the 12th century. It is mentioned for the first time in a document of 1286 (conserved at the collegiate in Chiavenna). It was originally dedicated to St. Michael. In this ancient building, in the right nave, remain some 14th century frescoes and a lancet. In the 15th century the church was dedicated to St. Miro whose body was found on September 10, 1452 in the chapel dedicated to St. Anthony. In fact, Miro upon his death in 1381 was buried in the church with his grave becoming a place of pilgrimage of the faithful from both sides of the lake, requesting rain against drought or to stop disasters caused by water. From 1452 began a long period of expansions and artistic enrichment of the church, then deconsecrated in 1456.
Date back to the 15th Century Renaissance two frescoes depicting the Madonna and Child and the Madonna del Latte and Madonna enthroned a crucifixion and a Saint Sebastian which are visible on the first pillar on the left. In 1526, the painter Sigismondo De Magistris inaugurated a new decorative cycle influencing the area between the two pillars that separate the nave from the right. The cycle includes the figure of St. Anthony, his temptations in the upper bezel, the encounter with Paul the Anchorite, the death of St. Paul the hermit, St. Anthony who heals a possessed woman and miracles at the tomb of Saint Anthony. In 1987 began an important phase of study and restoration that in a few years brought to light several frescoes, of late medieval origin, hidden beneath several layers of lime in the left nave. In 1990 the demolition of a perimeter wall led to the discovery of the ancient entrance arch of the chapel from the tomb of the Saint (demolished in the 17th century).
Various legends are linked to the figure of St. Miro. It is said, among other things, that Miro had come up to Sorico spreading his cloak on the lake and walking over the water.

(Text from the Brochure "Colico Outdoor")

Opening hours
The church is open for the mass only. View the dedicated page for the schedule.

Church of Saint Miro
