Alpino Feast

Alpino Feast

Food & Wine
Start Time: 02/07/2023 @ 10 :00 End Time: 02/07/2023 @ 16:00 Gravedona ed Uniti
Alpino Feast 1

On Sunday, 2nd July at the Alpine Church in Bocchetta di Germasino (Municipality of Gravedona ed Uniti) will be held the traditional Alpino Feast of the Alpino Group of Germasino. 

- 10am: Assemblage
- 10.30 am: Parade
- 10.45 am: Flag-raising ceremony
- 11.00 am: Holy Mass
- 12.15pm: Lunch with typical dishes (polenta, ribs, sausages)

The Brass band will liven up the day. 
In case of bad weather there is no postponement.

Organized by the Alpino Group of Germasino (