Via dei Sapori

Via dei Sapori

Food & Wine | Feast & celebration
Start Time: 03/08/2019 @ 18 :00 End Time: 03/08/2019 @ 23:59 Dongo
Via dei Sapori 1

Saturday, 3rd August the event "Via dei Sapori" will be held along the Via Antica Regina in Dongo from 6.30 pm. It's a yummy food and wine tour.
During the evening there will be km 0 stands, painting and photos exhibition, entertainment for children and music entertainment with One Night Band, MTS Maltràinsèma e Jenster Acoustic Duo. 
You will also have the possibility to enjoy excellent craft beer with friends. 

The passes will be sold from 6 pm to 11 pm

In addition, a free shuttle service is available from 6 pm until the end of the event, starting from the parking lot ex Falck.

In case of bad weather the event will be postponed to Friday 23rd August.

Organised by Pro Loco Dongo (