Concert by Young Musicians

Concert by Young Musicians

Culture | Music
Start Time: 12/07/2019 @ 21 :00 End Time: 12/07/2019 @ 23:00 Gravedona ed Uniti
Concert by Young Musicians 1

Friday, 12th July at 9 pm will take place the incredible " Concert by Young Musicians" at the parvis of the Church Santa Maria del Tiglio in Gravedona ed Uniti. It is a concert performed by young musicians that during the summer take part in a masterclass in order to improve their musical skills and be able to enhance the knowledge their own instrument.

In case of bad weather the concert will be moved to the Polifunzionale hall at Viale Scuri. 


Organized by the Corpo Musicale Olgiatese with the sponsorship of the town of Olgiate Comasco.