Celluloid Music - Maestro A. Galassi

Celluloid Music - Maestro A. Galassi

Culture | Music | Theater
Start Time: 17/08/2019 @ 20 :45 End Time: 17/08/2019 @ 23:00 Gravedona ed Uniti
Celluloid Music - Maestro A. Galassi

Saturday, August 17th at the Gallio Palazce in Gravedona ed Uniti at 8.45 pm there will be the main event of the "Gravedona ed Uniti Ciak 1 °" cinema exhibition: "Music of Celluloid" by Maestro A. Galassi, where the soundtracks of the greatest films will be played by piano.
The cinema exhibition and the related event are a tribute to the ancient cinema of Gravedona, the Stella d'Italia.

Tickets can be purchased at the Gallio Palace or a the Infopoint Gravedona ed Uniti for € 10.

Infopoint Gravedona ed Uniti: info@visitgravedona.it - +39 0344 85005

Organized by Pro Loco Gravedona