Spirabilia Concert - Women at the opera

Spirabilia Concert - Women at the opera

Culture | Music
Start Time: 14/09/2019 @ 21 :00 End Time: 14/09/2019 @ 22:30 Colico
Spirabilia Concert - Women at the opera

Saturday, 14th September at 9pm, the Auditorium M. Ghisla of Colico will host the "Spirabilia concert - Women to the opera" whose program is entirely dedicated to the female voice.

Spirabilia's voices
Women to the opera

Giulia Perego - flute
Lorenzo Alessandrini - oboe
Mauro Mosca - clarinet
Aldo Spreafico - horn
Deborah Vallino - bassoon
Anna Delfino - soprano

Organized by Pro Loco Colico