Church of Saint Anthony of Padua

Church of Saint Anthony of Padua

Churches Domaso

The Church of S. Antonio di Padova was built in the first half of the 17th century in Piazza Trento and was consecrated in 1646. Also known as the Church of the Friars, its construction is linked to the reconstruction of the Capuchin convent, which was originally located next to the Church of St John the Baptist and was founded by the Humiliati Friars. The Capuchin convent was suppressed in the early 19th century, but the building continued to be used as a men’s college and then as a gymnasium for clerics before being demolished in 1968.
The church has a rectangular plan with a single nave and two side chapels, one dedicated to Santa Caterina d’Alessandria and the other to San Felice da Cantalice, and a quadrangular presbytery. Above the high altar, in polished walnut, there is a well-preserved fresco depicting St Anthony of Padua, St Francis of Assisi, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity.
The building is covered by brick vaults, with a two-pitch roof with Valmalenco stone slabs.

Opening hours
Every day: 8am-6pm

Church of Saint Anthony of Padua
