Art in the Alley

Art in the Alley

Start Time: 08/08/2022 @ 20 :30 End Time: 09/08/2022 @ 23:00 Gravedona ed Uniti
Art in the Alley

Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th August, from 8.30pm the Via Sabbati (Sabbati street) and Via Garibaldi (Garibaldi street) in Gravedona ed Uniti will host the event "Art in the Alley", an art exhibition in the most beautiful alleys in Gravedona ed Uniti.

The exhibition will be complemented by live music by the band "DeBeat"

List of Artists:
Mariolina Lanza - Daniela Campigotto - Alvise Moreno - Raul Bosisio - Simona Basilico - Lori Vettor - Tania Speciale - Giorgio Romegialli - Federico Curcio - Emanuela Macchè - Sara Maffia - Luca Maffia - James David Carter - Loretta Ribaudo Carter - Gianluca Aggi - Ekaterina Chorina - Orlando Minotti - Elisabeth Chopard - Claudio Ciani - Giangy - Maria Cristina Introzzi - Glicerio Mezzani - Davide Tesoriero - Rosita Turello - Maria Varenna - Tiziano Azimonti

Organized by Pro Loco Gravedona and the Municipality of Gravedona ed Uniti.