Web App - Alto Lago di Como Bike & Mountain

Web App - Alto Lago di Como Bike & Mountain

Start Time: 18/05/2024 @ 01 :00 End Time: 01/07/2024 @ 23:59 Colico | Cremia | Domaso | Dongo | Dosso del Liro | Garzeno | Gera Lario | Gravedona ed Uniti | Livo | Montemezzo | Musso | Peglio | Pianello del Lario | Stazzona | Trezzone | Vercana | Bellano | Dervio | Valvarrone | Premana | Taceno
Web App - Alto Lago di Como Bike & Mountain

The 23 cycle routes in Upper Lake Como can be consulted on the PWA (Progressive Web App) of the 'Alto Lago di Como - Bike & Mountain Outdoor Experience' project. 

Progressive Web Apps are a hybrid of mobile app and Web site: it is a technology that runs on the browser and does not require downloads from the app store, which contains Web pages just like a site. Through the install command on the browser you can create a quick link on your smartphone. 

The app provides all the information you need to safely navigate the routes, including directions to equipped areas, places of art and culture to visit, and events scheduled in the towns along the chosen route. You can also watch videos of the best panoramic views.
Through a search form it is possible to search for routes according to area and level of difficulty. 
The difficulty scale and route tracking were verified by CAI experts, and an international evaluation standard was adopted in agreement with the Lombardy Region. The technical difficulty is defined according to the riding skill level that you need to master the technical features of a trail. The levels of technical difficulty identified are: beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert and extreme. 

What are internal areas and the 'Upper Lake Como and Valli del Lario' strategy?
The "North Lake Como and Valli del Lario" Area Strategy was launched in 2018 as part of the National Strategy for Internal Areas 2014/2020. It involved 31 municipalities in the Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d'Esino, and Riviera (Lecco) communities and the Valli del Lario and Ceresio communities (Como). The National Strategy for Internal Areas (SNAI) is a strategic plan designed to enhance and develop internal areas, which are often characterized by challenges such as depopulation, lack of services, and fewer economic opportunities. The goal is to promote the sustainable development of these areas by investing in infrastructure, services, the local economy, and the preservation of cultural and natural resources. The "Upper Lake Como and Valli del Lario" Area Strategy, implemented in the period 2018/2023, has made it possible to implement 31 projects for a total of 20 million euros, of which 5.285.000 euros were used to promote interventions to recover and enhance the heritage and to strengthen the cycle and hiking routes between the lake and the valleys.

To download the Web App
Alto Lago di Como Bike & Mountain: altolagocomo.bike