Gera Lario

Gera Lario

Situated at the northernmost end of the western bank of Lake Como, at the mouth of the river Mera and at the foot of the Pizzo Sasso Canale, Gera Lario is a favourite holiday destination for water sports enthusiasts. The fabulous location, constant winds and modern infrastructures such as the new marina and beach resort, make it perfect for windsurfing, kitesurfing and sailing. The town is also an excellent starting point for hiking and biking tours in the surrounding mountains and for beautiful walks on the bike paths along the lake and in the Nature Reserve of Pian di Spagna.
It is believed that the name Gera Lario comes from the Greek word “leréus” meaning priest, suggesting the  presence of a place of worship. The village was founded in Roman times near the ancient town of Olonio, as evidenced by some archaeological findings. It followed the vicissitudes of the Republic of the Tre Pievi and was used as a military base by the Spanish troops during the battle against the Grigioni of Valtellina until it gained administrative autonomy in 1620. Of particular interest are the churches of San Vincenzo, built between the 11th and 12th centuries on the ruins of a Roman villa and rebuilt in the 15th century, and the Church of Our Lady of Fatima, built in 1634 on the central square of the village and rebuilt after the dramatic flood of 1951. Other religious symbols in the territory are the small “Edicole Votive” (small roadside shrines) scattered along the roads of Gera and the sacred 16th and 17th century frescoes that decorate the facades of the more ancient houses. At the entrance of the marina is the “Votive” lighthouse, built in 1957 to remember the flood of 1951 which killed seventeen people and devastated the entire town.
Today Gera Lario is an important tourist destination, with lots of excellent hotels, restaurants, sports centres and beautiful beaches where visitors can relax while admiring the beautiful landscape of the Alto Lario.

Gera Lario
